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Our Journey

In 2008, God spoke to Apostle Dr Prince & Love Nwigwe to move from Italy to Canada after over 12 years of active apostolic ministry, establishing different churches and street restoration ministries. After one year of ‘Upper Room’ house gathering, the church began meeting at a church location in December 0f 2009. Our official commissioning was April 18, 2010. God has been doing wonderful and great things in our midst.

Fountain of Life is an “Apostolic House”, a Home of Restoration, His presence, Righteousness, the fathers Love, Peace and Open Heavens! We invite you to come and experience His amazing grace and wonders with us!

Our primary focus is the kingdom of God and not a denomination, with a mandate to raise ‘sons and daughters’ that will fully serve in the kingdom of God here and now, in any capacity and location. God has given the Apostolic and Prophetic ministry with its gifting to his church, His ecclesia that will work in the fullness of the five-fold ministries: Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists (Ephesians 2:19-20). Our identity as children of God is that we are fully adopted sons and daughters of the Father. Because of the perfect life of Jesus, His righteousness is available to us through faith. As children of God, walking in his righteousness, our Father’s resources become our true inheritance.


Apostolic Missions :

Italy:  Chiesa Cristiana Pentecostale “Fonte Di Vita” Porto Potenza Picena (MC) Italy.

Nigeria: Fountain of Life Church “Home of Hope” Nigeria.

Uganda: Ebeseri Community Church, Lugazi

 Destiny Christian Centre .Namutumbe.



 Ministers Network Canada -

 Canadian Coalition of Apostles CCA/ICA,

 International Breakthrough ministries  IBM -

 Christian Community International -

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